Women Account for 42.9 Percent of Senior Professionals in Tibet

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Women Account for 42.9 Percent of Senior Professionals in Tibet

 September 10, 2023

The Information Office of the People's Government of Tibet Autonomous Region held a news conference, on August 25, to introduce the development of women's cause, and the work of women's federations, in Tibet during the past five years.

The social environment for women's equal development in Tibet has been continuously improved, and women's participation in economic development has been enhanced, Tsring Yangzom, Vice-President of Tibet Women's Federation, said during the news conference. Women now account for more than 40 percent of all employed people in Tibet, she continued, adding 42.9 percent of the region's senior professionals and technicians are women.

The livelihoods of women and children in Tibet are better guaranteed, she said, adding, the education level of women and children has been comprehensively improved, and the gender gap in education, at all levels and of all types, has been basically eliminated. The rate of hospital births now exceeds 98.4 percent, and the maternal mortality rate and infant mortality rate have dropped to 45.5 per 100,000, and 7.5 per 1,000, respectively.

Tibet Women's Federation has united and led women in promoting the high-quality development of Tibet. The federation has organized vocational training for nearly 10,000 women, to help them improve their occupational skills and entrepreneurial abilities. The federation has also led women in improving their living environment, and it has guided them in developing healthy lifestyles.

During the past five years, the federation has organized more than 2,400 activities, to care for disadvantaged children during summer and winter vacations, and it has offered free screening for the two cancers (breast cancer and cervical cancer) to 1.02 million women. The federation has implemented the Water Cellar for Mothers Project, to provide access to safe drinking water to rural families, and it has implemented the Spring Bud Project to support 2,154 students. The federation has also implemented the Postal Parcels for Mothers Project, to distribute more than 7,600 parcels to women in need. 


(Women of China English Monthly September 2023 issue)


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