Hong Kong gov't contacts police over satirical fake press release congratulating porn star

opinions2024-06-03 18:41:2558

A Hong Kong government department has contacted police over a satirical online post – mimicking an official press release – that congratulated a local influencer on travelling to Japan to become an adult actress.

Erena So
Erena So. Photo: Erena So, via YouTube.
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The original post on the LIHKG forum was designed to read like an official press release and congratulated Erena So on her career move. It appeared to be a doctored version of a statement by culture chief Kevin Yeung congratulating actress Michelle Yeoh on her recent Oscar win.

Kevin Yeung
Kevin Yeung. File photo: GovHK.

“The spokesman sternly clarified that the fake press release was not issued via the Government News and Media Information System and the case has been reported to the police,” said a press release on Thursday from the Culture, Sports and Tourism Bureau.

The forum post was later deleted.

Address of this article:http://tonga.bankruptcyintn.com/news-0b799995.html


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