China's PLA aerobatic team to perform at world defense show in Saudi Arabia

health2024-06-03 17:24:074

(ECNS) -- The Bayi Aerobatic Team of the Chinese People's Liberation Army (PLA) Air Force departed for Saudi Arabia on Monday to stage an air show at the world defense show with seven J-10 performance aircraft, announced Senior Colonel Xie Peng, a spokesperson of the PLA Air Force.

The air show marks the team's tenth appearance in overseas air show. Yu-20 tanker aircraft of PLA Air Force will accompany the J-10 formation for aerial refueling.

In its over 60 years since inception, the Bayi aerobatic team has conducted more than 700 aerial displays for delegations from over 170 countries and regions with J-5, J-6, J-5 trainer, J-7EB, J-7GB, J-10, and J-10C performance aircraft.

The team conducted field inspections ahead of its first air show in Saudi Arabia and carefully arranged the aerobatic maneuvers for performance. Green colored smoke, which represents peace and friendship and the flag of Saudi Arabia will be displayed during its performance.

The second World Defense Show will be held from Feb. 2 to 8 in Riyadh, capital of Saudi Arabia.

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